Thursday, May 3, 2012

Spiritual Sovereignty:
The Realization And Practice Of The Afrikan Worldview
Baba Obadele Williams

Spiritual Sovereignty is the act of holding supreme, independent authority over our Afrikan Worldview. Our spiritual sovereignty impacts and guides how we live and protect Afrikan culture, socialization, parenting, and the defense of our vision as a nation. Spiritual Sovereignty refers to the internal affairs of the nation and the supreme power within it to govern itself. In adhering to what is just and correct, as citizens of the Afrikan nation, we must be the first to obey, live and correct our behavior in accordance with nation management. A nation that has internal sovereignty is one with a government that has been elected by the people and has popular legitimacy. It is important to have strong internal sovereignty in relation to keeping order and peace. As a people, elders, parents, youth and ultimately families, must be the first to submit to council restrictions when a transgression is committed against the laws of the nation. Realizing an Afrikan Worldview gives us the authority to protect and defend our Ancestral legacy.

A sovereignty of spirit is an mbongi that possesses ultimate, final and independent authority; one whose decisions are binding upon all citizens, groups and institutions in our cultural community. Our living vision must be toward the realization of ourselves as a nation. Our rituals, Ancestral dialogue, and teaching have to be guided by what is best for nationhood.

Every people in the restoration of nationhood institutionalizes the roles of spiritual leaders, elders, parents and youth in age-grades. Each age-grade has a social responsibility and helps to perform the tasks of the internal intergenerational transmission of nation ways. Ultimately we all must ask ourselves, “Are we a nation? Do I belong to a nation? Why do I belong? How can I protect and defend the nation-state?”

Our message should be that everything in our lives must reflect the basis, foundation, and vision of Afrikan sovereignty. A nation without acts of sovereignty is a nation of slaves. They will be victims of any conqueror seeking their enslaved existence. A spiritually sovereign nation is made up of an independent, culturally centered, and accountable people. They are unified through their vision. Their Nationhood is sanctioned by their Afrikan Worldview.

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